
07779 200100
Pure Water Reach & Wash Specialists

uPVC Cleaners
uPVC Cleaning in Wolverhampton and Stourbridge
Our uPVC cleaning service is aimed at domestic and commercial properties throughout Wolverhampton, Stourbridge & West Midlands
At SafeShine we use innovative equiptment and employ various techniques to ensure that we remove all dirt build up from your uPVC units and
restore them to their original colour. No greenery or foilage is at risk of being damaged during this uPVC cleaning procedure as the methods our cleaners have adopted are 100% environmentally friendly. Plants are safe and so to are humans and pets.
The service our uPVC cleaners adopt is either by using a pure water fed pole system or via the traditional method, or a combination of both.
To enable your uPVC to continue looking like new we recommend utilising this uPVC cleaning service at least every 6 months.
About our uPVC cleaning service:
Environmentally friendly
Fully insured for peace of mind
Domestic or commercial uPVC cleaning
uPVC cleaners Cover Wolverhampto, Stourbridge & West Midlands